How to Be a Good Payer in Dubai?
Businesses often use credit cards in the same ways that people do in their personal lives. This is not necessarily a bad thing. Credit cards are unsecured loans as per debt collection UAE agencies. Meaning you do not have to put down collateral to use the money. Putting your purchases, and those of your employees, on a corporate credit card. Just like personal credit cards, corporate credit cards often help you earn points or cashback. Things to Know Below are the things to know about credit card limit. · Be a Good Customer Using your cards responsibly, paying on time, and keeping your utilization rate under 30% all help to show you are a lower risk. Doing this typically keeps companies from lowering your limit. Occasionally, credit card companies will also lower your limit because you are not using the card. If this happens, you can often appeal the decision. However, in a bad economy, companies sometimes lower limits no mat...